Scholarships | Prep School | Hurst College


Prep School Scholarships

11+ Scholarships

Scholarships at 11+ are limited.  Academic scholarships are awarded to exceptional candidates applying for a place in Year 7 based on the results of the entry tests.  Candidates applying for a Music Scholarship will need to be of an exceptional standard and at least Grade 5 in one instrument.  For internal pupils, Academic and Music Scholarships will be awarded to exceptional pupils following the summer exams in Year 6.

Assessment days take place towards the end of November of Year 6 and details will be sent to registered pupils in the October prior to the year of entry.

BN6 Award

Hurst is delighted to offer up to two fully-funded scholarship places for pupils in Year 6 looking to join Hurst Prep in Year 7. The Scholarship is means tested and is offered from Year 7 through to Sixth Form.

The award is aimed at children who are:

  • Either living or attending a school in the BN6 postcode area
  • In Year 6
  • Academically very able
  • Interested in actively pursuing extra-curricular opportunities
  • Willing to embrace the Hurst ethos of supporting and encouraging each other

Further details and how to apply can be viewed in our BN6 Award information booklet.